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Zapier MailSlurp Plugin

Zapier email plugin

Receive emails and attachments as Zapier triggers and actions. Use MailSlurp with Zapier to automate processing of new emails, attachments, and contacts. You can connect MailSlurp to Calendars, Slack, Google Drive and more. This page contains documentation of inputs and outputs available for the Zapier MailSlurp integration.

Create a Zap

Usage guide

For usage see the Zapier email guide.

Type aliases


Ƭ NewAttachmentInput: object

Options for new attachment trigger

Type declaration

Name Type Description
containsContentType? string Optional content type of attachment to filter for
containsName? string Optional attachment name to filter for
emailFrom? string Optional sender filter for email attachments
emailRecipients? string[] Optional email recipients to filter for
emailSubject? string Optional email subject to filter for
inboxIds? string[] Optional IDs of inboxes to filter attachment for

Defined in: src/triggers/attachment.ts:22


Ƭ NewAttachmentOutput: object

Returned fields of NewAttachment trigger

Type declaration

Name Type Description
contentLength? number Size of attachment in bytes
contentType? string Content type of attachment
file any File URL of attachment
id string ID of new attachment
name? string File name of attachment if present

Defined in: src/triggers/attachment.ts:40


Ƭ NewContactInput: object

New contact trigger input options

Type declaration

Name Type Description
containsEmailAddress? string Filter new contacts by email address
containsName? string Filter new contacts by name

Defined in: src/triggers/contact.ts:18


Ƭ NewContactOutput: object

New contact trigger output options

Type declaration

Name Type
contactId string
emailAddresses? string[]
file any
firstName? string
id string
lastName? string
primaryEmailAddress string

Defined in: src/triggers/contact.ts:28


Ƭ NewEmailInput: object

Inputs for new email trigger

Type declaration

Name Type Description
containsFrom? string Optional sender address to filter new emails with
containsRecipients? string[] Optional recipients of email to filter new emails with
containsSubject? string Optional subject of email to filter new emails with
hasAttachments? boolean -
inboxIds? string[] Optional inbox IDs to filter new emails for with

Defined in: src/triggers/email.ts:29


Ƭ NewEmailOutput: object

Outputs for new email trigger

Type declaration

Name Type Description
attachments any[] Attachments as list of files
bcc? string[] -
body string -
cc? string[] -
emailId string -
file any Email body as file
from string -
id string -
inboxId string -
subject string -
to string[] -

Defined in: src/triggers/email.ts:44


Ƭ ZapierUploadAttachmentOptions: object

Type declaration

Name Type
contentType string
file any
filename string

Defined in: src/types.ts:22